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#ProdChat – How We Achieve BIG Goals

#ProdChat – How We Achieve BIG Goals

On DATE, #ProdChat discussed the topic, How We Achieve BIG Goals. Watch the slideshow to see what the productivity enthusiasts on #ProdChat had to say about “How We Achieve BIG Goals.” Enjoy!


  1. Why do you set big goals? What’s a big goal to you? (Examples?)
    1. And, how do you set those big goals for clarity of purpose?
  2. If you don’t have a big goal, how do you find one? #prodchat
  3. Big goals usually include some tough (mental or physical) obstacles. How do you overcome such obstacles? #prodchat
  4. How do you determine what’s at stake and who are the stakeholders? #prodchat
  5. How do you develop a detailed action plan / strategy to achieve big goals? #prodchat
    1. What’s the importance of action when it comes to achieving big goals?
    2. What is the importance of habits to achieving big goals?
  6. How do you correct course when progress toward achieving a big goal is derailed? #prodchat
    1. How do you overcome inertia and overwhelm when it comes to achieving big goals?
  7. How do you use self-, individual, group and public accountability to help you achieve big goals? #prodchat
  8. What do you do to stay in touch with your goals and milestones along the way to achieving a big goal? #prodchat
  9. How does visualizing success determine the outcomes for achieving big goals for you? Examples? #prodchat
  10. Do you celebrate small wins on the way to achieving big goals? #prodchat


Raw transcript:

User Tweet Time
rsidneysmith Welcome to #ProdChat, the weekly chat for productivity enthusiasts! Wed Sep 07 23:59:13 +0000 2016
rsidneysmith So, let’s start! In a tweet, introduce yourself. #prodchat Thu Sep 08 00:01:04 +0000 2016
DrFrankBuck For the next hour, my conversation will be part of #ProdChat #prodchat Thu Sep 08 00:01:19 +0000 2016
JKatzaman Joining #ProdChat to talk about #productivity. Thu Sep 08 00:01:30 +0000 2016
rsidneysmith What’s a #productivity success you’ve had this or last week? #prodchat Thu Sep 08 00:02:09 +0000 2016
rsidneysmith @JKatzaman @DrFrankBuck Hi, Jim! Hi, Frank! How’re you guys doing today? #prodchat Thu Sep 08 00:02:46 +0000 2016
DrFrankBuck Frank Buck from Alabama and vacationing this week in Maine. I write and speak on organization & time management. #prodchat Thu Sep 08 00:02:48 +0000 2016
prodchat RT @DrFrankBuck: Frank Buck from Alabama and vacationing this week in Maine. I write and speak on organization & time management. #prodchat Thu Sep 08 00:03:30 +0000 2016
macbikegeek Hi, Lee in Chicago, longtime GTD aficionado and practitioner, Mac enthusiast, SAS Institute employee (all opinions my own) #prodchat Thu Sep 08 00:03:54 +0000 2016
rsidneysmith Please add #prodchat to tweets. Questions will come as Q1, Q2, Q3. Answer A1, A2, A3, for readability! Thu Sep 08 00:04:08 +0000 2016
rsidneysmith My #productivity success of the last & next 4 weeks is that I am launching a 30-day podcast challenge and I’m ready to start! #prodchat Thu Sep 08 00:04:36 +0000 2016
prodchat RT @macbikegeek: Hi, Lee in Chicago, longtime GTD aficionado and practitioner, Mac enthusiast, SAS Institute employee (all opinions my own)… Thu Sep 08 00:04:41 +0000 2016
rsidneysmith @macbikegeek Good day, Lee! How’re you doing, good sir? #prodchat Thu Sep 08 00:04:53 +0000 2016
rsidneysmith Q1: Why do you set big goals? What’s a big goal to you? (Examples?) #prodchat Thu Sep 08 00:05:08 +0000 2016
JKatzaman @rsidneysmith @DrFrankBuck Doing well, Ray. #ProdChat Thu Sep 08 00:05:38 +0000 2016
macbikegeek @rsidneysmith fine, thanks, Ray. Got a haircut and had a very successful shopping at the farmers market and made soup for dinner! #prodchat Thu Sep 08 00:05:44 +0000 2016
TheIdeaPump Another Wed. another #Prodchat Thu Sep 08 00:05:48 +0000 2016
prodchat Today on #ProdChat we’re discussing “How to Achieve Big Goals.” Join us! #productivity Thu Sep 08 00:06:02 +0000 2016
IsaPinaud Hello! I’m Isabel a graphic designer & illustrator obsessed with productivity – specially GTD, @OmniFocus & @airtable #prodchat Thu Sep 08 00:06:03 +0000 2016
milhealth RT @macbikegeek: @rsidneysmith fine, thanks, Ray. Got a haircut and had a very successful shopping at the farmers market and made soup for… Thu Sep 08 00:06:16 +0000 2016
rsidneysmith @TheIdeaPump Hi, Art! How’re you today? 🙂 #prodchat Thu Sep 08 00:06:19 +0000 2016
rsidneysmith @IsaPinaud Isabel! How. are. you?! 😀 #prodchat Thu Sep 08 00:06:31 +0000 2016
prodchat RT @IsaPinaud: Hello! I’m Isabel a graphic designer & illustrator obsessed with productivity – specially GTD, @OmniFocus & @airtable #prodc… Thu Sep 08 00:06:35 +0000 2016
rsidneysmith @JKatzaman Glad to hear, Jim! Welcome. #prodchat Thu Sep 08 00:06:51 +0000 2016
TheIdeaPump Doing fine. Big goals are ones that require inspiration, imagination, planning, and effort. #prodchat Thu Sep 08 00:06:59 +0000 2016
IsaPinaud A1: Setting big goals gives me an objective which in turn helps me create a path for the next days, weeks, months & years #prodchat Thu Sep 08 00:06:59 +0000 2016
macbikegeek @IsaPinaud great to see you on. Hope all is well! #prodchat Thu Sep 08 00:07:01 +0000 2016
rsidneysmith Q2: If you don’t have a big goal, how do you find one? #prodchat Thu Sep 08 00:07:05 +0000 2016
JKatzaman A1 A big goal is long-term, possible but not easy to achieve. #ProdChat Thu Sep 08 00:07:11 +0000 2016
rsidneysmith @macbikegeek Sounds great! I need to get my farmers-market-shopping on…’tis the season! #prodchat Thu Sep 08 00:07:25 +0000 2016
IsaPinaud @rsidneysmith Hey! Doing good! How about you? #prodchat Thu Sep 08 00:08:02 +0000 2016
IsaPinaud @macbikegeek I was just about to say hi! How are you? #prodchat Thu Sep 08 00:08:17 +0000 2016
TheIdeaPump A2: Take a goal you have and scale it up until you think you might not be able to achieve it…then prove yourself wrong. #prodchat Thu Sep 08 00:08:18 +0000 2016
IsaPinaud A2: I believe everyone has passions or things they would like to do – enter the dreaded word – SOMEDAY. Start there. #prodchat Thu Sep 08 00:08:55 +0000 2016
DrFrankBuck I guess taking a vacation could count as a productivity success. #prodchat Thu Sep 08 00:08:55 +0000 2016
macbikegeek @IsaPinaud doing great, thanks! #prodchat Thu Sep 08 00:09:38 +0000 2016
rsidneysmith @IsaPinaud Great to hear that! I’m doing well. 😀 Excited about today’s topic! #prodchat Thu Sep 08 00:10:02 +0000 2016
DrFrankBuck A1 Without big goals, it’s easy to get hung up in all the little stuff. #prodchat Thu Sep 08 00:10:14 +0000 2016
IsaPinaud @macbikegeek Glad to hear it! #prodchat Thu Sep 08 00:10:33 +0000 2016
rsidneysmith @DrFrankBuck Abso-freakin’-lutely! It would be a major #productivity success for me! Lol. #prodchat Thu Sep 08 00:10:41 +0000 2016
TheIdeaPump A2: A big goal is one that when you tell someone else they say, “Yea sure, like that will happen.” #prodchat Thu Sep 08 00:10:42 +0000 2016
JKatzaman A2 Think of something that would be life-changing in a good way. That could be the basis of a big goal. #ProdChat Thu Sep 08 00:11:01 +0000 2016
TheIdeaPump A2: If people don’t doubt, your goal isn’t big enough. #prodchat Thu Sep 08 00:11:04 +0000 2016
rsidneysmith @DrFrankBuck And we all know that we shouldn’t sweat the small stuff! But, we should sweat the big stuff! Lol. #prodchat Thu Sep 08 00:11:19 +0000 2016
DrFrankBuck A2 If a big goal is not evident, look at the task list and ask what commonalities you see. #prodchat Thu Sep 08 00:11:27 +0000 2016
rsidneysmith A1: It’s what makes life more than happy. It makes it interesting. See: (after #prodchat!). Thu Sep 08 00:12:11 +0000 2016
rsidneysmith A2: Look at your interests and see if there’s anything you’re passionate about. What’s fantasy that you’d like to make reality? #prodchat Thu Sep 08 00:12:37 +0000 2016
rsidneysmith Q3: Big goals usu. include some tough (mental or physical) obstacles. How do you overcome such obstacles? #prodchat Thu Sep 08 00:13:08 +0000 2016
IsaPinaud @rsidneysmith I’m excited that I was finally able to make it! #prodchat Thu Sep 08 00:13:16 +0000 2016
TheIdeaPump A3: Never let them blindside you. Identify as many as you can and plan for the rest. #prodchat Thu Sep 08 00:13:49 +0000 2016
DrFrankBuck @rsidneysmith Yes, I think passion is a central part of a big goal. #prodchat Thu Sep 08 00:13:50 +0000 2016
rsidneysmith @DrFrankBuck So many people don’t think to engage their deep passions, esp. those that can help others. #prodchat Thu Sep 08 00:14:41 +0000 2016
jobolobo A3: Break down the big task into smaller pieces and tackle them one by one. Remind myself of the big goal every day #prodchat Thu Sep 08 00:15:08 +0000 2016
rsidneysmith A3a: Address the emotional stuff first. They can take time to uncover their true origins and then develop ways to placate them. #prodchat Thu Sep 08 00:15:24 +0000 2016
DrFrankBuck A3 It sounds so clique, but it’s true…break down the big goal into the small, easy steps. #prodchat Thu Sep 08 00:15:24 +0000 2016
TheIdeaPump A3: Goals turn to actions, actions turn to successes, successes turn to achievements. #prodchat Thu Sep 08 00:15:44 +0000 2016
macbikegeek a3 like eating an elephant, one bite (obstacle) at a time unless looking at problems differently provides an alternate way around #prodchat Thu Sep 08 00:15:49 +0000 2016
rsidneysmith A3b: Then, dive into the physical stuff. As the adage goes: How do you eat an elephant? Bite by bite. #prodchat Thu Sep 08 00:15:53 +0000 2016
rsidneysmith @macbikegeek Great minds think alike! Jinx! #prodchat Thu Sep 08 00:16:07 +0000 2016
JKatzaman A3 Make big goals a challenge but not impossible. No sense to guarantee frustration for no good reason. #ProdChat Thu Sep 08 00:16:12 +0000 2016
prodchat RT @TheIdeaPump: A3: Goals turn to actions, actions turn to successes, successes turn to achievements. #prodchat Thu Sep 08 00:16:25 +0000 2016
rsidneysmith @TheIdeaPump I like that…it’s a good progression and it’s a cycle of progress overcoming those obstacles. #prodchat Thu Sep 08 00:16:55 +0000 2016
DrFrankBuck A3 The thinking is usually the toughest part (if you’re doing it right) #biggoals #prodchat Thu Sep 08 00:17:04 +0000 2016
rsidneysmith @DrFrankBuck The smaller the obstacle, easier to crush it! (Was that too @garyvee? Lol. Nah.) #prodchat Thu Sep 08 00:17:36 +0000 2016
rsidneysmith @jobolobo Hi, Jo! So glad you could make it! Welcome to #prodchat! Thu Sep 08 00:17:54 +0000 2016
rsidneysmith @jobolobo And, great idea about reminding yourself of the big goal daily! It’s good not to lose sight of the big stuff. #prodchat Thu Sep 08 00:18:26 +0000 2016
TheIdeaPump A3: Thinking should happen all the time. Assess, evaluate, adapt, repeat. #prodchat Thu Sep 08 00:18:31 +0000 2016
DrFrankBuck @rsidneysmith @garyvee That was a great book. #CrushIt #prodchat Thu Sep 08 00:19:06 +0000 2016
rsidneysmith Q4: How do you determine what’s at stake and who are the stakeholders? #prodchat Thu Sep 08 00:19:07 +0000 2016
rsidneysmith @JKatzaman Right…it should be uncomfortable but not paralyzing. #prodchat Thu Sep 08 00:19:29 +0000 2016
rsidneysmith @DrFrankBuck Tell that to our house remodeling my dad “volunteered” me for as a teenager! ;-P #prodchat Thu Sep 08 00:20:22 +0000 2016
TheIdeaPump A4: Stakeholders should be contributors as well as benefit from the goals. #prodchat Thu Sep 08 00:20:24 +0000 2016
rsidneysmith @TheIdeaPump Yes, even when your relaxing and daydreaming, good thinking (problem-solving) is happening. #prodchat Thu Sep 08 00:20:57 +0000 2016
DrFrankBuck A4 Who are the stakeholders? The ones who stand to gain or loss if the project succeeds or fails. #prodchat Thu Sep 08 00:21:08 +0000 2016
rsidneysmith @DrFrankBuck Indeed! #prodchat Thu Sep 08 00:21:22 +0000 2016
DrFrankBuck A4 Any time I hear the word “stakeholders” it always makes me hungry. Lol #prodchat Thu Sep 08 00:22:10 +0000 2016
JKatzaman A4 You can evaluate stakes and stakeholders, but it’s useful to get an objective, outside opinion. #ProdChat Thu Sep 08 00:22:15 +0000 2016
JKatzaman A4 You can evaluate stakes and stakeholders, but it’s useful to get an objective, outside opinion. #ProdChat Thu Sep 08 00:22:15 +0000 2016
rsidneysmith @macbikegeek I like a good lateral thinking session to shake stodgy ideas loose. #prodchat Thu Sep 08 00:22:17 +0000 2016
IsaPinaud A3: Celebrate the small wins. look at how far you’ve come and rstop being so hard on yourself #prodchat Thu Sep 08 00:22:19 +0000 2016
rsidneysmith @IsaPinaud I need you to be my virtual cheerleader…get you on Skype and you can cheer me on daily! 😉 #prodchat Thu Sep 08 00:22:53 +0000 2016
rsidneysmith A4: I use the #GTD natural planning model and do a planning session to determine these things. #prodchat Thu Sep 08 00:23:32 +0000 2016
IsaPinaud @rsidneysmith Only if you’ll cheer me on 😉 #prodchat Thu Sep 08 00:23:47 +0000 2016
rsidneysmith @IsaPinaud Deal! 😀 #prodchat Thu Sep 08 00:24:05 +0000 2016
rsidneysmith Q5: How do you develop a detailed action plan / strategy to achieve big goals? #prodchat Thu Sep 08 00:25:13 +0000 2016
rsidneysmith A4: One easy way to find stakeholders is to ask: who can help? who is helped? #prodchat Thu Sep 08 00:25:14 +0000 2016
TheIdeaPump A5: Mindmapping is an excellent way to determine what needs to be done. #prodchat Thu Sep 08 00:26:09 +0000 2016
macbikegeek a5 decomposition as @TheIdeaPump suggested earlier. #prodchat Thu Sep 08 00:26:46 +0000 2016
rsidneysmith In line with Q5: What’s the importance of action when it comes to achieving big goals? …of habits to achieving big goals? #prodchat Thu Sep 08 00:26:51 +0000 2016
JKatzaman A5 Start with an overarching plan and go back and fill in the steps to make it happen. #ProdChat Thu Sep 08 00:26:58 +0000 2016
prodchat RT @TheIdeaPump: A5: Mindmapping is an excellent way to determine what needs to be done. #prodchat Thu Sep 08 00:27:03 +0000 2016
macbikegeek a5a “a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.” no action, no continued effort leads to no progress. #prodchat Thu Sep 08 00:27:46 +0000 2016
IsaPinaud A5: Write down every single step you can think of. Organize and create smaller goals (monthly, weekly, daily) #prodchat Thu Sep 08 00:28:03 +0000 2016
rsidneysmith A5: Start with major milestones and then start to break them down into smaller parts. Do so until you have discrete actions. #prodchat Thu Sep 08 00:28:06 +0000 2016
IsaPinaud A5b: Then figure out the next action and get started 😉 #prodchat Thu Sep 08 00:28:19 +0000 2016
DrFrankBuck A5 I start by wording the #biggoal as a statement that is true or false. Helps me accurately definite it #prodchat Thu Sep 08 00:28:29 +0000 2016
rsidneysmith A5: Or, you can start from the bottom up–identify each of the actions you can think of and categorize or group x time. #prodchat Thu Sep 08 00:29:04 +0000 2016
prodchat RT @DrFrankBuck: A5 I start by wording the #biggoal as a statement that is true or false. Helps me accurately definite it #prodchat Thu Sep 08 00:29:12 +0000 2016
DrFrankBuck A5 As long as the statement is false, I have more work to do. #biggoal #prodchat Thu Sep 08 00:29:13 +0000 2016
rsidneysmith @DrFrankBuck Nothing as powerful as a successful outcome stated well! #gtd #prodchat Thu Sep 08 00:29:32 +0000 2016
prodchat RT @DrFrankBuck: A5 As long as the statement is false, I have more work to do. #biggoal #prodchat Thu Sep 08 00:29:41 +0000 2016
DrFrankBuck A5 Then Dec decide on the first specific step. #prodchat Thu Sep 08 00:29:51 +0000 2016
prodchat RT @macbikegeek: a5a “a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.” no action, no continued effort leads to no progress. #prodc… Thu Sep 08 00:30:02 +0000 2016
prodchat RT @JKatzaman: A5 Start with an overarching plan and go back and fill in the steps to make it happen. #ProdChat Thu Sep 08 00:30:09 +0000 2016
rsidneysmith Did you miss our last #productivity book club discussion? Catch up here: #prodchat Thu Sep 08 00:30:15 +0000 2016
prodbookgrp Did you miss our last #productivity book club discussion? Catch up here: #prodchat Thu Sep 08 00:30:16 +0000 2016
BRAVOMedia1 a5 Break them down into micro tasks with a deadline to streamline a long process. #prodchat Thu Sep 08 00:30:36 +0000 2016
rsidneysmith @IsaPinaud And, isn’t it funny how we worry so much about task priority, but it’s either intuitive or it most often doesn’t matter?#prodchat Thu Sep 08 00:31:01 +0000 2016
DrFrankBuck A5 Lots of authors have written about it, but David Allen really brought it front and center #prodchat Thu Sep 08 00:31:02 +0000 2016
rsidneysmith Q6: How do you correct course when progress toward achieving a big goal is derailed? #prodchat Thu Sep 08 00:31:07 +0000 2016
rsidneysmith @BRAVOMedia1 Welcome back, Debi! How’re you this fine Wednesday? #prodchat Thu Sep 08 00:31:31 +0000 2016
macbikegeek a6 figure out why, where you are, and how to get back on track, make a plan and work it back towards the goal (or revised goal) #prodchat Thu Sep 08 00:32:17 +0000 2016
rsidneysmith @DrFrankBuck Yes, @gtdguy galvanized #productivity action planning for a generation. #gtd #prodchat Thu Sep 08 00:32:31 +0000 2016
prodchat RT @macbikegeek: a6 figure out why, where you are, and how to get back on track, make a plan and work it back towards the goal (or revised… Thu Sep 08 00:32:42 +0000 2016
IsaPinaud RT @macbikegeek: a5a “a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.” no action, no continued effort leads to no progress. #prodc… Thu Sep 08 00:32:43 +0000 2016
IsaPinaud @rsidneysmith Done is better than perfect. #prodchat Thu Sep 08 00:33:18 +0000 2016
BRAVOMedia1 a6 STOP, Re-evaluate Goals, Set up New Targets & Keep Moving Forward. #prodchat Thu Sep 08 00:33:20 +0000 2016
DrFrankBuck A6 That’s the beauty of only making yourself responsible for the one next step, not every step. #prodchat Thu Sep 08 00:33:21 +0000 2016
rsidneysmith @macbikegeek I have no experience with projects going off-course. *cough* PBG’s Financial Productivity Challenge *cough* ;-( #prodchat Thu Sep 08 00:33:33 +0000 2016
prodchat RT @IsaPinaud: @rsidneysmith Done is better than perfect. #prodchat Thu Sep 08 00:33:50 +0000 2016
macbikegeek @rsidneysmith that one never got out of the ditch for me! 🙁 #prodchat Thu Sep 08 00:34:15 +0000 2016
DrFrankBuck A6 Just like a GPS. Figure out the destination and take each turn as it comes. #biggoals #prodchat Thu Sep 08 00:34:22 +0000 2016
BRAVOMedia1 @rsidneysmith Thank you Ray, pleasure to be here! #prodchat Thu Sep 08 00:34:31 +0000 2016
JKatzaman A6 Stop and assess what can get you back on track. Periodic assessments also can head off derailments. #ProdChat Thu Sep 08 00:34:35 +0000 2016
rsidneysmith @macbikegeek I still need to correct course…I’ll figure out something soon. Hopefully before the Dec @prodbookgrp discussion! #prodchat Thu Sep 08 00:35:02 +0000 2016
IsaPinaud @rsidneysmith Yes! People spend so much time worrying about plan perfect when the plan is bound to change no matter what #prodchat Thu Sep 08 00:35:12 +0000 2016
rsidneysmith @BRAVOMedia1 You’re welcome! 🙂 #prodchat Thu Sep 08 00:35:17 +0000 2016
DrFrankBuck Yes! #shipit #prodchat Thu Sep 08 00:35:22 +0000 2016
IsaPinaud A6: Weekly reviews. Thank you @gtdguy #prodchat Thu Sep 08 00:35:42 +0000 2016
rsidneysmith @IsaPinaud Yup, the dynamism of personal projects make too much planning counter-productive! (I need to listen to myself more!) #prodchat Thu Sep 08 00:35:55 +0000 2016
rsidneysmith @DrFrankBuck And, just like when lost on the road, pull over and ask for directions. Pull out the map (plan)! Ego is the enemy! #prodchat Thu Sep 08 00:36:39 +0000 2016
IsaPinaud @rsidneysmith So do I! That “done is better than perfect” is my new mantra ? #prodchat Thu Sep 08 00:37:08 +0000 2016
rsidneysmith @JKatzaman That’s true…touching base along the way…we’ll get to that in Q8. 🙂 #prodchat Thu Sep 08 00:37:09 +0000 2016
rsidneysmith Q7: How do you use self-, individual, group and public accountability to help you achieve big goals? #prodchat Thu Sep 08 00:37:10 +0000 2016
DrFrankBuck A6 Having the next step and the #goal side-by-side in the task keeps the what and the why in sight. #prodchat Thu Sep 08 00:38:03 +0000 2016
rsidneysmith @IsaPinaud I’m not a tattoo kinda guy but if I were “Progressio est, quam perfectio” would be tattooed on my a…rm! ;-P #prodchat Thu Sep 08 00:38:21 +0000 2016
JKatzaman A7 Public statements put you on record for accountability. Then hook up with a coach who won’t let you get away with murder. #ProdChat Thu Sep 08 00:39:16 +0000 2016
DrFrankBuck A7 I tend to keep the goals fairly private. That makes them easier to change. #prodchat Thu Sep 08 00:39:41 +0000 2016
rsidneysmith @BRAVOMedia1 Like the old STOP, DROP, & ROLL when you’re on fire instructions from grade school! I like it! #prodchat Thu Sep 08 00:39:52 +0000 2016
DrFrankBuck A7 When I was a principal, our school #goals were very public. #prodchat Thu Sep 08 00:40:29 +0000 2016
rsidneysmith A7a: Well, considering I’m finishing writing a book about #accountability #productivity, I use it in every possible way! #prodchat Thu Sep 08 00:40:32 +0000 2016
rsidneysmith A7b: #Accountability is one of the most power motivators in your #productivity emotional/mental tool belt. #prodchat Thu Sep 08 00:41:03 +0000 2016
BRAVOMedia1 @rsidneysmith Yeah! True Story! No one wants a fire! #prodchat Thu Sep 08 00:41:32 +0000 2016
rsidneysmith @DrFrankBuck Actually self-accountability is usually better for self-starters. So, you’re on target! #prodchat Thu Sep 08 00:42:33 +0000 2016
rsidneysmith Q8: What do you do to stay in touch with your goals and milestones along the way to achieving a big goal? #prodchat Thu Sep 08 00:43:07 +0000 2016
DrFrankBuck A7 I am seeing things that say telling someone else your #goals is psychological the same as accomplishing the goal #prodchat Thu Sep 08 00:44:09 +0000 2016
JKatzaman A8 Writing down and posting goals where they can remind and irritate you into action is a good start. #ProdChat Thu Sep 08 00:44:32 +0000 2016
BRAVOMedia1 a7 A strong Project Manager sets goals & timelines for team &client alike. Not an easy task but important #prodchat Thu Sep 08 00:44:35 +0000 2016
prodbookgrp Join us for the next #productivity book club’s live discussion! #prodchat Thu Sep 08 00:45:05 +0000 2016
rsidneysmith Join us for the next #productivity book club’s live discussion! #prodchat Thu Sep 08 00:45:09 +0000 2016
DrFrankBuck A8 The next step and the #goal are side-by-side on the same task line. #prodchat Thu Sep 08 00:45:20 +0000 2016
rsidneysmith @BRAVOMedia1 So true. And project managers like authority typically by virtual of their role. They need to use persuasion. #prodchat Thu Sep 08 00:45:23 +0000 2016
macbikegeek @BRAVOMedia1 standard practice at work – we get clients agreement on goals in writing when we do the contract. #prodchat Thu Sep 08 00:45:36 +0000 2016
DrFrankBuck A8 That way, I can’t forget the #goal #prodchat Thu Sep 08 00:46:08 +0000 2016
BRAVOMedia1 a8 Use @Basecamp – set up goals for the week-keep everyone in the project informed & keep fingers crossed! #prodchat Thu Sep 08 00:46:47 +0000 2016
rsidneysmith @DrFrankBuck It depends on the way it is stated. Simplistically, if you’re speaking emotionally, yes. If logically, no. #prodchat Thu Sep 08 00:46:55 +0000 2016
BRAVOMedia1 @macbikegeek NICE!!!! #prodchat Thu Sep 08 00:47:15 +0000 2016
rsidneysmith A7: Break down deadlines into weeks and days, not months or years. Your #productivity will thank you. #prodchat Thu Sep 08 00:48:17 +0000 2016
BRAVOMedia1 @rsidneysmith It’s a big task and you have to be ready to handle the stumbling blocks and keep the team inspired! Love my job! #prodchat Thu Sep 08 00:48:24 +0000 2016
macbikegeek @BRAVOMedia1 if the stakeholders on the project haven’t defined and agreed on the goals and measures, you don’t know if it’s done. #prodchat Thu Sep 08 00:48:28 +0000 2016
halduauthor Hey friends, just wanted to peak in and say hi, I’m hoping to be able to join in regularly again soon #prodchat Thu Sep 08 00:48:36 +0000 2016
rsidneysmith @halduauthor Hey, Ben! Good to have you peek in on #prodchat! How’ve you been, mate? Thu Sep 08 00:48:55 +0000 2016
rsidneysmith Q9: How does visualizing success determine the outcomes for achieving big goals for you? Examples? #prodchat Thu Sep 08 00:49:08 +0000 2016
rsidneysmith @BRAVOMedia1 Totally agree! For those like you who love it, you excel because of that passion! #prodchat Thu Sep 08 00:49:26 +0000 2016
IsaPinaud @rsidneysmith We should get group tattoos for #prodchat members 😛 Thu Sep 08 00:49:30 +0000 2016
BRAVOMedia1 @macbikegeek Sometimes they are unclear – that’s part of the project mngt – helping them find the “mission” to accomplish. #prodchat Thu Sep 08 00:49:31 +0000 2016
prodchat RT @IsaPinaud: @rsidneysmith We should get group tattoos for #prodchat members 😛 Thu Sep 08 00:49:39 +0000 2016
IsaPinaud A7 I don’t like giving out huge public announcements, but having an accountability partner helps a LOT #prodchat Thu Sep 08 00:50:08 +0000 2016
rsidneysmith @halduauthor Hopefully not mired in busy-ness but engaged in productive activity! 😀 #prodchat Thu Sep 08 00:50:44 +0000 2016
macbikegeek @BRAVOMedia1 our process starts with discovery sessions pre-contract to help them figure out what they *really* want #prodchat Thu Sep 08 00:50:54 +0000 2016
rsidneysmith @halduauthor And glad to hear you’re well. See you back here soon! We’ll keep the light on for ya! #prodchat Thu Sep 08 00:51:08 +0000 2016
IsaPinaud A8 I try to check in with my goals and keep a list of #smallwins written down for when I’m feeling demotivated! #prodchat Thu Sep 08 00:51:44 +0000 2016
rsidneysmith @DrFrankBuck That’s interesting…in my first #GTD iteration, I put the project in parenthesis next to each action, too. #prodchat Thu Sep 08 00:51:49 +0000 2016
rsidneysmith @halduauthor Will do! #prodchat Thu Sep 08 00:52:00 +0000 2016
DrFrankBuck A9 If you can’t visualize success before you start, you might reach your #goal and not even know it. #prodchat Thu Sep 08 00:52:05 +0000 2016
BRAVOMedia1 a9 “Creative Visualization” Know the Goals, Understand the Importance of project from client perspective #prodchat Thu Sep 08 00:52:36 +0000 2016
JKatzaman A9 Visualizing success is hard with others being critical and even your self-doubt to overcome. #ProdChat Thu Sep 08 00:52:44 +0000 2016
IsaPinaud A9: Visualization is HUGE for me! I wholeheartedly believe it helps me achieve my goals and come up with new ways to get there #prodchat Thu Sep 08 00:52:49 +0000 2016
rsidneysmith A9: You cannot get to where you cannot see the path and endpoint in your mind’s eye. You can do what you can see yourself doing. #prodchat Thu Sep 08 00:52:59 +0000 2016
IsaPinaud @halduauthor We miss you!!! #prodchat Thu Sep 08 00:53:22 +0000 2016
halduauthor A9: if you don’t know what success would look like its hard to know when you get there. Visualizing helps clarify expectations #prodchat Thu Sep 08 00:53:23 +0000 2016
IsaPinaud @DrFrankBuck This is very true. #prodchat Thu Sep 08 00:53:49 +0000 2016
DrFrankBuck @rsidneysmith I use xx as a separator. Searching for xx finds every single project together w/ the next step. #prodchat Thu Sep 08 00:53:49 +0000 2016
rsidneysmith @DrFrankBuck Walk right past your goal like a stranger on the street! How sad would that be! 🙁 #prodchat Thu Sep 08 00:53:50 +0000 2016
prodchat RT @DrFrankBuck: @rsidneysmith I use xx as a separator. Searching for xx finds every single project together w/ the next step. #prodchat Thu Sep 08 00:53:58 +0000 2016
macbikegeek @rsidneysmith I think seeing the endpoint is critical.But most of my career has been projects I had no idea how to do at the start #prodchat Thu Sep 08 00:54:03 +0000 2016
prodchat RT @macbikegeek: @rsidneysmith I think seeing the endpoint is critical.But most of my career has been projects I had no idea how to do at t… Thu Sep 08 00:54:17 +0000 2016
BRAVOMedia1 @rsidneysmith VERY TRUE!!! Great Point! #prodchat Thu Sep 08 00:54:28 +0000 2016
rsidneysmith @JKatzaman Yes, it does take a bit of bravery/courage to envision your own success with healthy pride (not ego). #prodchat Thu Sep 08 00:54:53 +0000 2016
rsidneysmith Q10: Do you celebrate small wins on the way to achieving big goals? #prodchat Thu Sep 08 00:55:04 +0000 2016
BRAVOMedia1 @macbikegeek @rsidneysmith The JUMP into the water approach! Can be very effective & lots of learning along the way! #prodchat Thu Sep 08 00:55:28 +0000 2016
DrFrankBuck @rsidneysmith LOL great way to phrase it! #prodchat Thu Sep 08 00:55:29 +0000 2016
rsidneysmith Next #ProdChat: September 14 – “@MSOnenote Tips and Tricks.” Have a great week, all! (Recommended by @TheIdeaPump!) Thu Sep 08 00:56:07 +0000 2016
macbikegeek @BRAVOMedia1 oh, yeah. Brings a whole new meaning to life-long learner. Which I am otherwise as well. #prodchat Thu Sep 08 00:56:19 +0000 2016
macbikegeek RT @rsidneysmith: Next #ProdChat: September 14 – “@MSOnenote Tips and Tricks.” Have a great week, all! (Recommended by @TheIdeaPump!) https… Thu Sep 08 00:56:49 +0000 2016
halduauthor @rsidneysmith celebrate everything ? ##prodchat Thu Sep 08 00:56:56 +0000 2016
BRAVOMedia1 a10 Yesssss – Celebrate each achievement Helps keep the team & client excited for more!!! #prodchat Thu Sep 08 00:57:04 +0000 2016
DrFrankBuck A10 The small #celebration is probably where I need to get better. #prodchat Thu Sep 08 00:57:15 +0000 2016
macbikegeek @rsidneysmith thanks Ray and everyone for a great chat! #prodchat Thu Sep 08 00:57:19 +0000 2016
rsidneysmith A10: Like @IsaPinaud, I use @idonethis for my personal small wins tracking. This can be crucial when facing a challenging big goal.#prodchat Thu Sep 08 00:57:20 +0000 2016
KmsotrSharpe RT @DrFrankBuck: A7 I am seeing things that say telling someone else your #goals is psychological the same as accomplishing the goal #prodc… Thu Sep 08 00:57:34 +0000 2016
rsidneysmith @macbikegeek Likewise, sir! #prodchat Thu Sep 08 00:57:42 +0000 2016
rsidneysmith @DrFrankBuck Just close the door and do that happy dance, Frank. You can do it. 😉 #prodchat Thu Sep 08 00:58:05 +0000 2016
prodbookgrp RT @rsidneysmith: Next #ProdChat: September 14 – “@MSOnenote Tips and Tricks.” Have a great week, all! (Recommended by @TheIdeaPump!) https… Thu Sep 08 00:58:25 +0000 2016
gtdpgh RT @rsidneysmith: Next #ProdChat: September 14 – “@MSOnenote Tips and Tricks.” Have a great week, all! (Recommended by @TheIdeaPump!) https… Thu Sep 08 00:58:25 +0000 2016
GTDPhilly RT @rsidneysmith: Next #ProdChat: September 14 – “@MSOnenote Tips and Tricks.” Have a great week, all! (Recommended by @TheIdeaPump!) https… Thu Sep 08 00:58:25 +0000 2016
gtdnyc RT @rsidneysmith: Next #ProdChat: September 14 – “@MSOnenote Tips and Tricks.” Have a great week, all! (Recommended by @TheIdeaPump!) https… Thu Sep 08 00:58:25 +0000 2016
prodchat RT @rsidneysmith: Next #ProdChat: September 14 – “@MSOnenote Tips and Tricks.” Have a great week, all! (Recommended by @TheIdeaPump!) https… Thu Sep 08 00:58:25 +0000 2016
gtddc RT @rsidneysmith: Next #ProdChat: September 14 – “@MSOnenote Tips and Tricks.” Have a great week, all! (Recommended by @TheIdeaPump!) https… Thu Sep 08 00:58:25 +0000 2016
focusatwork RT @rsidneysmith: Next #ProdChat: September 14 – “@MSOnenote Tips and Tricks.” Have a great week, all! (Recommended by @TheIdeaPump!) https… Thu Sep 08 00:58:25 +0000 2016
KmsotrSharpe RT @DrFrankBuck: A6 Just like a GPS. Figure out the destination and take each turn as it comes. #biggoals #prodchat Thu Sep 08 00:58:38 +0000 2016
DrFrankBuck A10 Although, I do end the day by asking the question, “How did you make today count?” #prodchat Thu Sep 08 00:58:41 +0000 2016
rsidneysmith Thanks, #productivity enthusiasts! #prodchat Join us next week! @msonenote Thu Sep 08 00:59:04 +0000 2016
rsidneysmith @DrFrankBuck That’s a great question! I start the day with something similar. 🙂 #prodchat Thu Sep 08 00:59:08 +0000 2016
halduauthor @rsidneysmith @DrFrankBuck ??? like that #prodchat Thu Sep 08 00:59:42 +0000 2016
JKatzaman A10 Certainly celebrate small wins to stoke morale, but keep celebrating in perspective for the greater goal. #ProdChat Thu Sep 08 00:59:48 +0000 2016
DrFrankBuck @rsidneysmith @msonenote I will have to brush up! #prodchat Thu Sep 08 01:00:24 +0000 2016
BRAVOMedia1 @rsidneysmith Nice Job Ray – Glad I was able to Jump in! Productivity keeps it all moving! Thanks for the great chat! #prodchat Thu Sep 08 01:00:45 +0000 2016
rsidneysmith @DrFrankBuck Yes, I just did a training on it. Of course, I hugged my laptop with @Evernote open afterward! Hehe. #prodchat Thu Sep 08 01:01:21 +0000 2016
IsaPinaud A10: YEs Yes Yes!!! #prodchat Thu Sep 08 01:01:45 +0000 2016
rsidneysmith @BRAVOMedia1 Thanks for joining in, Debi! Join us again anytime. #prodchat Thu Sep 08 01:01:55 +0000 2016
DrFrankBuck We will have to find some @OneNote enthusiasts to join us. #prodchat Thu Sep 08 01:02:11 +0000 2016
rsidneysmith @DrFrankBuck I think we can rustle up a few @msonenote users! 🙂 #prodchat Thu Sep 08 01:03:20 +0000 2016
DrFrankBuck Enjoyed the chat! #prodchat Thu Sep 08 01:03:36 +0000 2016
macbikegeek @DrFrankBuck @onenote you have one in me – I use it extensively for note taking. Along side @evernote. #prodchat Thu Sep 08 01:04:47 +0000 2016
rsidneysmith @DrFrankBuck Thanks for joining us while on vacation! Enjoy the Vacationland state! 🙂 #prodchat Thu Sep 08 01:04:48 +0000 2016
marceel_QS RT @jobolobo: A3: Break down the big task into smaller pieces and tackle them one by one. Remind myself of the big goal every day #prodchat Thu Sep 08 01:23:43 +0000 2016
marceel_QS RT @jobolobo: A3: Break down the big task into smaller pieces and tackle them one by one. Remind myself of the big goal every day #prodchat Thu Sep 08 01:23:43 +0000 2016
RamonagRamona RT @DrFrankBuck: A10 Although, I do end the day by asking the question, “How did you make today count?” #prodchat Thu Sep 08 01:31:35 +0000 2016
jobolobo @rsidneysmith thanks Ray! Was great to tune into #ProdChat 🙂 Thu Sep 08 02:40:41 +0000 2016
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