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#ProdChat – What Makes Productive Work Satisfying? – June 7, 2017

#ProdChat – 6/7/17 – What Makes Productive Work Satisfying?

On 6/7/17, #ProdChat discussed the topic, “What Makes Productive Work Satisfying?” Watch the slideshow to see what the productivity enthusiasts on #ProdChat had to say about “What Makes Productive Work Satisfying?” Enjoy!


  1. Do you feel like your productive work is, for the most part, satisfying?
  2. How (often) do you check…? How do you know your productive work is satisfying?
  3. How might the challenge and complexity of productive work affect your satisfaction?
  4. How much control over your productive time, resources, and more create a satisfying work environment?
  5. Does taking breaks help make your productive work more satisfying?  
  6. What are the motivations behind making your productive work satisfying?
  7. What do you believe reduces satisfaction of your productive work?
  8. Does your productive work feel more satisfying when it’s meaningful?
  9. What will you try differently to make your productive work more satisfying after today’s #ProdChat?

6/14/17 – Topic: “Are You Doing What Really Matters?: Setting and Correcting Course”


What Would Make You More Satisfied and Productive at Work?
The Secret Ingredients to a Productive and Satisfying Career
15 Proven Tips to Be Happy at Work
The happy secret to better work | Shawn Achor
How to find and do work you love | Scott Dinsmore | TEDxGoldenGatePark (2D)
Meaningful Work For Everyone: The 3 Conditions That Lead To Your Best Work
The Top 10 Factors For On-The-Job Employee Happiness
10 Ways to Get (and Stay) Happy at Work
Study: Being happy at work really makes you more productive
Why Happy Employees Are 12% More Productive
Want Happier Employees? Focus on These 3 Things [Infographic]
15 Ways to Increase Productivity at Work
How Happiness Benefits Productivity at Work
Top 10 Reasons Why Happiness at Work Is the Ultimate Productivity Booster
Happy Employees = Healthier Bottom Line


Raw transcript:

User Tweet Time (GMT +0)
rsidneysmith Welcome to #ProdChat, the weekly chat for productivity enthusiasts! Wed Jun 07 23:59:00 +0000 2017
JKatzaman Joining #ProdChat from Maryland to talk about what makes productive work satisfying. Thu Jun 08 00:00:01 +0000 2017
rsidneysmith Today on #ProdChat we’re discussing “What Makes Productive Work Satisfying?” Join us! #productivity Thu Jun 08 00:00:03 +0000 2017
rsidneysmith @JKatzaman Hiya, Jim! How’re you this fine Wednesday? #prodchat Thu Jun 08 00:00:19 +0000 2017
JKatzaman @rsidneysmith Doing fine, Ray. How are things at your end? #ProdChat Thu Jun 08 00:01:33 +0000 2017
rsidneysmith So, let’s start! In a tweet, introduce yourself. #prodchat Thu Jun 08 00:02:00 +0000 2017
rsidneysmith @JKatzaman Glad to hear! Honestly, I’m exhausted from today, but it’s all good. I’m going to take a hot bath and th… Thu Jun 08 00:02:08 +0000 2017
JKatzaman @rsidneysmith That would be a challenge: Productively tweet the chat from your bath. #ProdChat Thu Jun 08 00:03:36 +0000 2017
SallyReb Greetings all, Sally here. I’m a trainer in Portland and looking forward to sushi for dinner tonight #prodchat Thu Jun 08 00:04:09 +0000 2017
rsidneysmith I’m Ray Sidney-Smith. Host, #prodchat & @prodbookgrp. @Evernote Certified Consultant. #Productivity Trainer/Coach. 🙂 Thu Jun 08 00:04:12 +0000 2017
rsidneysmith @SallyReb Hi there, Sally! Welcome to #prodchat! Ooooh, sushi. I’m jealous! Yum! Thu Jun 08 00:04:34 +0000 2017
ArtGelwicks Is that a new hash tag? Bathchat? #prodchat Thu Jun 08 00:04:44 +0000 2017
rsidneysmith What’s a #productivity success you’ve had this or last week? #prodchat Thu Jun 08 00:05:00 +0000 2017
rsidneysmith @JKatzaman Ha! I will wait to have dinner, get a few other things done, and then the bath. I’ll #ProdChat on dry land. Hehe. Thu Jun 08 00:05:32 +0000 2017
rsidneysmith Please add #prodchat to tweets. Questions will come as Q1, Q2, Q3. Answer A1, A2, A3, for readability! Thu Jun 08 00:06:00 +0000 2017
rsidneysmith Success: I processed a huge number of items in my Evernote Inbox this past weekend! So great to get current. #prodchat Thu Jun 08 00:07:02 +0000 2017
rsidneysmith Let’s talk about making our productive work more satisfying! #prodchat Thu Jun 08 00:08:01 +0000 2017
ArtGelwicks Success: became an admin for a 2500+ Facebook group all about bullet journaling #prodchat Thu Jun 08 00:08:43 +0000 2017
rsidneysmith @ArtGelwicks Congrats, Art! That’s exciting…you’re our new resident BulletJournal expert! #prodchat Thu Jun 08 00:09:26 +0000 2017
ArtGelwicks Lol, that works for me. #prodchat Thu Jun 08 00:09:40 +0000 2017
rsidneysmith Q1: Do you feel like your productive work is, for the most part, satisfying? #prodchat Thu Jun 08 00:10:00 +0000 2017
ArtGelwicks A1: Absolutely. The sense of completion, progress, and accomplishment are all key motivators for me to keep being productive #prodchat Thu Jun 08 00:11:11 +0000 2017
SallyReb That’s great, @artgelwicks I just leaves about bullet journaling from my sister, she loves it #prodchat Thu Jun 08 00:11:28 +0000 2017
JKatzaman A1 When I’m productive, it’s very satisfying, knowing I’m getting something done. #ProdChat Thu Jun 08 00:12:15 +0000 2017
ArtGelwicks @SallyReb One of the nice aspects is the flexibility to adapt it to your style and needs. It’s not a rigid system. #prodchat Thu Jun 08 00:12:25 +0000 2017
rsidneysmith A1: Yes. I love *most* of my productive work! I’m lucky that I’ve been able to structure my work around my skills a… Thu Jun 08 00:12:35 +0000 2017
DanielHayes @rsidneysmith A1: Yes! When I’m productive I feel like I cheated time a little bit! #ProdChat Thu Jun 08 00:12:54 +0000 2017
rsidneysmith @SallyReb @ArtGelwicks I’m always surprised how much people who Bullet Journal wish to share their task list. Very… Thu Jun 08 00:13:20 +0000 2017
rsidneysmith @DanielHayes Welcome to #prodchat, Daniel! Good to see you here! Thu Jun 08 00:13:37 +0000 2017
rsidneysmith Q2: How (often) do you check…? How do you know your productive work is satisfying? #prodchat Thu Jun 08 00:15:00 +0000 2017
2Patra @rsidneysmith Success: 3 bags of paper gone from on/next to my desktop #ProdChat Hello all from Patra Thu Jun 08 00:15:23 +0000 2017
SallyReb A1 yes, I feel very satisfied when I can streamline, simplify and increase efficiency. Extra time always feels like a reward #prodchat Thu Jun 08 00:15:29 +0000 2017
rsidneysmith @2Patra Welcome, Patra! And, I love a good decluttering session. Congrats! 😀 #prodchat Thu Jun 08 00:15:46 +0000 2017
ArtGelwicks A2: It’s not something I check as per say. If I don’t feel lighter when it’s done, it didn’t mean enough to me. #prodchat Thu Jun 08 00:15:53 +0000 2017
rsidneysmith A2: I feel I gravitate toward thinking about this as need be during my #GTD Weekly Reviews. Nothing hard set in my… Thu Jun 08 00:16:20 +0000 2017
rsidneysmith A2a: When I feel unsatisfied is when I capture into my task inbox that something needs to change. #prodchat Thu Jun 08 00:16:44 +0000 2017
SallyReb A2. Good question. I wish I “checked-in” on or better tracked my productivity. #prodchat Thu Jun 08 00:17:49 +0000 2017
SallyReb A2. Good question. I wish I “checked-in” on or better tracked my productivity. #prodchat Thu Jun 08 00:17:49 +0000 2017
DanielHayes A2: I generally gauge by time and quality. If I improve at both less time & no diminished quality it’s a win!! #ProdChat Thu Jun 08 00:18:20 +0000 2017
rsidneysmith @SallyReb And, how would you do those check-in’s? Specific questions? #prodchat Thu Jun 08 00:18:56 +0000 2017
JKatzaman A2 If I’m productive and happy, I’m satisfied. #ProdChat Thu Jun 08 00:19:17 +0000 2017
ArtGelwicks A2a: I do keep track of hits and misses when it comes to tasks. Striving to maintain a 90/10 ratio of completions. #prodchat Thu Jun 08 00:20:12 +0000 2017
SallyReb Not sure, it’s not simply tallying up what I did. #prodchat Thu Jun 08 00:20:47 +0000 2017
rsidneysmith @ArtGelwicks That’s a good point! I do debrief after every major project to see how well or poorly it went/felt. #prodchat Thu Jun 08 00:20:57 +0000 2017
rsidneysmith @SallyReb Sounds good to me! 🙂 Just curious about people’s processes/methods. #prodchat Thu Jun 08 00:21:20 +0000 2017
rsidneysmith Q3: How much control over your productive time, resources, and more create a satisfying work environment? #prodchat Thu Jun 08 00:22:00 +0000 2017
ArtGelwicks A3: I don’t have as much control over my time and schedule as I would like, so successes are triumphs over work and schedule. #prodchat Thu Jun 08 00:23:05 +0000 2017
rsidneysmith A3: I *think* that I like to have as much control over my projects as possible for my productive work to be satisfy… Thu Jun 08 00:23:45 +0000 2017
rsidneysmith A3a: I have learned that sometimes projects that someone else manages are very satisfying also. #prodchat Thu Jun 08 00:24:37 +0000 2017
DanielHayes @rsidneysmith A3: I’m most satisfied and feel most in control when I can take a task I dislike and automate or simp… Thu Jun 08 00:24:40 +0000 2017
rsidneysmith A3b: That is, my scope of work is very narrow and defined. For example, my seminars…very little control…I show up, I present. #prodchat Thu Jun 08 00:25:13 +0000 2017
MarcieTimmerman I work from home mostly, so I theoretically have all the control. #prodchat Thu Jun 08 00:26:22 +0000 2017
DanielHayes @rsidneysmith A3a: I had a recent big win simplifying w/Mac’s Automator. Took a normally multi-hour task & to <1 mi… Thu Jun 08 00:26:55 +0000 2017
2Patra @rsidneysmith A3 I’m more productive when busy so then its a qualitative measure, when I am not I need the quant k… Thu Jun 08 00:27:06 +0000 2017
MarcieTimmerman Getting something done is always a good feeling. Even if that something is small! #prodchat Thu Jun 08 00:27:14 +0000 2017
rsidneysmith @MarcieTimmerman Welcome to #prodchat, Marcie! Glad you could hop in! Thu Jun 08 00:27:15 +0000 2017
rsidneysmith @MarcieTimmerman Theoretically, yes. But, how about in reality? 😉 #prodchat Thu Jun 08 00:27:26 +0000 2017
ArtGelwicks @MarcieTimmerman That is, until someone else knows you’re home. I used to work from home, until I took an arrow in the knee… #prodchat Thu Jun 08 00:27:35 +0000 2017
ArtGelwicks When I worked from home it was a constant battle of reminders that just because I was here didn’t mean I wasn’t working #prodchat Thu Jun 08 00:28:04 +0000 2017
rsidneysmith @ArtGelwicks @MarcieTimmerman That is a story I’m looking forward to hearing! LOL #prodchat Thu Jun 08 00:28:12 +0000 2017
DanielHayes @ArtGelwicks @MarcieTimmerman Yikes! #ProdChat Thu Jun 08 00:28:18 +0000 2017
rsidneysmith Q4: Does taking breaks–short, long, or even vacations–help make your productive work more satisfying? #prodchat Thu Jun 08 00:29:00 +0000 2017
prodbookgrp Did you miss a #productivity book club discussion and want to listen to it? Catch up here:… Thu Jun 08 00:30:00 +0000 2017
rsidneysmith A3: N.B. I grew up in a large family where collaboration was necessary. Coincidentally, I find that with my work today, too. #prodchat Thu Jun 08 00:30:30 +0000 2017
ArtGelwicks A4: Breaks are critical. Even when you’re in the flow there’s a point where you need to come up for air. #prodchat Thu Jun 08 00:30:32 +0000 2017
rsidneysmith A4: I find that if I take regular breaks at natural points (not artificially timed ones) in my workflow, they are very beneficial. #prodchat Thu Jun 08 00:31:42 +0000 2017
rsidneysmith #prodchat Thu Jun 08 00:31:54 +0000 2017
prodchat RT @ArtGelwicks: A4: Breaks are critical. Even when you’re in the flow there’s a point where you need to come up for air. #prodchat Thu Jun 08 00:32:09 +0000 2017
rsidneysmith A4a: This is why something like the Pomodoro Technique doesn’t work for me. I need completion on a task before I can turn off. #prodchat Thu Jun 08 00:32:53 +0000 2017
JKatzaman A4 What do they say about all work and no play make Jack a dull and burned out boy? #ProdChat Thu Jun 08 00:32:57 +0000 2017
rsidneysmith A4b: If a pomodoro ends while I’m still working on a task, it’s distracting and less satisfying. Almost demotivating. #prodchat Thu Jun 08 00:33:37 +0000 2017
rsidneysmith @JKatzaman What does that make Jill then? Sounds like she’s good as gold! Ha! #prodchat Thu Jun 08 00:34:22 +0000 2017
ArtGelwicks A4b: I’ve learned to like the break at the end of a pomodoro. It makes it easy to drop into the next one by picking right up, #prodchat Thu Jun 08 00:34:24 +0000 2017
rsidneysmith @MarcieTimmerman Darn. I was hoping that theoria met praxis! But, alas… #AristotleHumor #prodchat Thu Jun 08 00:35:46 +0000 2017
rsidneysmith Q5: What are the motivations behind making your productive work satisfying? #prodchat Thu Jun 08 00:36:00 +0000 2017
MarcieTimmerman @ArtGelwicks Getting up and moving around happens. #prodchat Thu Jun 08 00:36:10 +0000 2017
ArtGelwicks @MarcieTimmerman Very true. I use an app on my watch to remind me when I’ve been heads down too long. #prodchat Thu Jun 08 00:37:10 +0000 2017
MarcieTimmerman A4. I walk around every hour or so. Also, when home I do chores like laundry as productive breaks. #prodchat Thu Jun 08 00:37:29 +0000 2017
rsidneysmith A4: Regarding vacations, I’m really trying to take more. I make the time and then I break the commitment. Words of wisdom welcome. #prodchat Thu Jun 08 00:39:15 +0000 2017
MarcieTimmerman With 3 part time jobs right now, if it isn’t satisfying to be productive, I would burn out! #prodchat Thu Jun 08 00:39:30 +0000 2017
rsidneysmith A5: I’d rather be doing something that matters to me during my highest potential years than not. It’s that simple. #prodchat Thu Jun 08 00:39:59 +0000 2017
MarcieTimmerman @rsidneysmith Make a vacation that is so exciting you are not willing to cancel. Trips to fun places with good people. #prodchat Thu Jun 08 00:40:17 +0000 2017
rsidneysmith @MarcieTimmerman So true! I’d burnout too if I was doing all that I do and it wasn’t satisfying. Amen. #prodchat Thu Jun 08 00:40:35 +0000 2017
MarcieTimmerman @rsidneysmith When you stop for a few days & return, you will find new energy for it all. Plus, family & friends us… Thu Jun 08 00:41:31 +0000 2017
rsidneysmith @MarcieTimmerman I think I need to involve friends and family. That would definitely up the ante for me to follow-t… Thu Jun 08 00:41:42 +0000 2017
MarcieTimmerman @rsidneysmith This has been my experience too, unless it is one of my days where I still think multitasking is smart (it isn’t) #prodchat Thu Jun 08 00:42:57 +0000 2017
rsidneysmith Q6: How might the challenge/complexity of productive work affect your satisfaction? #prodchat Thu Jun 08 00:43:00 +0000 2017
MarcieTimmerman A5. Too much conplexity in too many tasks can be a burden instead of a motivator. There is a sweet spot for it, I t… Thu Jun 08 00:44:35 +0000 2017
rsidneysmith @MarcieTimmerman I still switch-task on mindless tasks, in low-energy modes. I don’t worry much about it. Though, t… Thu Jun 08 00:44:45 +0000 2017
ArtGelwicks A6: Problem solving and strategy are always big wins for me. Resolving tough problems and devising solid strategies for the win. #prodchat Thu Jun 08 00:44:46 +0000 2017
2Patra Took me far too long to learn vacation importance for health and productivity, take a lesson from my mistakes!… Thu Jun 08 00:44:52 +0000 2017
prodbookgrp Join us for our next #Productivity Book Group live discussion! #prodchat Thu Jun 08 00:45:01 +0000 2017
JKatzaman A5 I’m my own motivation. If I’m not working to satisfy myself, it’s a waste of time and effort. It’s an empty success. #ProdChat Thu Jun 08 00:45:16 +0000 2017
rsidneysmith @2Patra Totally taken to heart! I need to make time and keep to the vacation’s allocated. #prodchat Thu Jun 08 00:45:58 +0000 2017
rsidneysmith A6: I need the complexity/challenge in the Goldilocks zone…not too much, not too little. That’s very satisfying to push through. #prodchat Thu Jun 08 00:46:48 +0000 2017
JKatzaman A6 The bigger the challenge and complexity, the greater the satisfaction after seeing a project through to the end. #ProdChat Thu Jun 08 00:47:35 +0000 2017
rsidneysmith @JKatzaman It is pretty satisfying when you’ve overcome a challenging project you thought was insurmountable! #prodchat Thu Jun 08 00:49:28 +0000 2017
rsidneysmith Q7: Does your productive work feel more satisfying when it’s meaningful? #prodchat Thu Jun 08 00:50:00 +0000 2017
JKatzaman @rsidneysmith Satisfying, accompanied by a vow not to do something like that again too soon. #ProdChat Thu Jun 08 00:50:20 +0000 2017
rsidneysmith @JKatzaman Truth! #prodchat Thu Jun 08 00:50:48 +0000 2017
rsidneysmith A7a: If I know I’ve affected my clients, community, or the world in some small way, it definitely feels more satisf… Thu Jun 08 00:51:41 +0000 2017
rsidneysmith A7b: It’s actually the lens through which I do all of my work: does it benefit my sphere of influence? #prodchat Thu Jun 08 00:52:14 +0000 2017
MarcieTimmerman A7. Yes. I work with nonprofits I care about only right now. It is more satisfying to do more when it means more.… Thu Jun 08 00:52:58 +0000 2017
JKatzaman A7 Productive work really has to be meaningful. Otherwise, at the end you think, “Well, that was a whole lot of nothing.” #ProdChat Thu Jun 08 00:54:35 +0000 2017
ArtGelwicks @JKatzaman Truth! #prodchat Thu Jun 08 00:54:50 +0000 2017
rsidneysmith Q8: What will you try differently to make your productive work more satisfying after today’s #ProdChat? Thu Jun 08 00:55:00 +0000 2017
MarcieTimmerman @JKatzaman Yes. And nothing makes me less motivated than working hard for no satisfaction! #prodchat Thu Jun 08 00:55:37 +0000 2017
rsidneysmith A8: Uhm. I’m going to take a vacation. LOL. #prodchat Thu Jun 08 00:55:43 +0000 2017
MarcieTimmerman @JKatzaman Empty success sucks. Glad you find satisfaction ib most of your work! #prodchat Thu Jun 08 00:56:36 +0000 2017
MarcieTimmerman A8. I am going to make sure there are no projectile weapons in my home office. ? #prodchat Thu Jun 08 00:57:40 +0000 2017
rsidneysmith Next #ProdChat: June 14 – Topic: “Are You Doing What Really Matters?: Setting and Correcting Course” Join us! Thu Jun 08 00:58:00 +0000 2017
rsidneysmith @MarcieTimmerman LOL. Good advice, generally, whether satisfying work or not! #prodchat Thu Jun 08 00:58:25 +0000 2017
2Patra @rsidneysmith A7 IF it helps my clients develop or grow their biz, it is meaningful to me. #prodchat Thu Jun 08 00:58:44 +0000 2017
rsidneysmith Have a great rest of your week, all! Thanks! #productivity #prodchat Thu Jun 08 00:59:00 +0000 2017
rsidneysmith @MarcieTimmerman Most of August is booked for speaking gigs at conferences/workshops. Maybe I’ll shoot for something in July! 🙂 #prodchat Thu Jun 08 00:59:26 +0000 2017
2Patra #prodchat Thanks all! have a great week Thu Jun 08 00:59:51 +0000 2017
MarcieTimmerman RT @rsidneysmith: Have a great rest of your week, all! Thanks! #productivity #prodchat Thu Jun 08 00:59:53 +0000 2017
rsidneysmith Thanks, #productivity enthusiasts, for attending #prodchat! See you in next week! @prodchat Thu Jun 08 01:00:00 +0000 2017
prodchat RT @prodbookgrp: Join us for our next #Productivity Book Group live discussion! #prodchat Thu Jun 08 01:03:00 +0000 2017
rsidneysmith RT @prodbookgrp: Join us for our next #Productivity Book Group live discussion! #prodchat Thu Jun 08 01:03:00 +0000 2017
w3consulting RT @prodbookgrp: Join us for our next #Productivity Book Group live discussion! #prodchat Thu Jun 08 01:03:00 +0000 2017
prodbookgrp RT @rsidneysmith: Next #ProdChat: June 14 – Topic: “Are You Doing What Really Matters?: Setting and Correcting Course” Join us! https://t.c… Thu Jun 08 01:03:17 +0000 2017
w3consulting RT @rsidneysmith: Next #ProdChat: June 14 – Topic: “Are You Doing What Really Matters?: Setting and Correcting Course” Join us! https://t.c… Thu Jun 08 01:03:17 +0000 2017
prodchat RT @rsidneysmith: Next #ProdChat: June 14 – Topic: “Are You Doing What Really Matters?: Setting and Correcting Course” Join us! https://t.c… Thu Jun 08 01:03:17 +0000 2017
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