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#ProdChat with Podcaster @DanielHayes – 10/16/13

#ProdChat with Podcaster @DanielHayes – 10/16/13

  1. Tonight 8pm EST #Prodchat with @DanielHayes is the co-host of SimpleLifeTogether podcast about leading a simple life in the modern world
  2. #Prodchat Tonight 8pm EST with @DanielHayes the co-host of SimpleLifeTogether podcast about leading a simple life in the modern world
  3. #Prodchat Tonight 8pm EST with @DanielHayes the co-host of SimpleLifeTogether podcast about leading a simple life in the modern world
  4. Tonight 8pm EST #Prodchat with @DanielHayes is the co-host of SimpleLifeTogether podcast about leading a simple life in the modern world
  5. Tonight 8pm EST #Prodchat with @DanielHayes is the co-host of SimpleLifeTogether podcast about leading a simple life in the modern world
  6. @DanielHayes how about I just check in on that hashtag when I wake up? #Prodchat
  7. Let’s start things off with introductions. Who are you? And, do you use to a specific #productivity system? #prodchat
  8. As we start the convo, remember to add #prodchat to each tweet so you show up in the feed! Answer A1, A2, A3, etc. so we track with you.
  9. Simple Life Together a podcast about leading a simple life in the modern world at #ProdChat
  10. Hi, everyone! Michelle here. Psyched for this hour of #ProdChat! I’m a GTD’r, and productivity enthusiast. Currently a project manager too.
  11. Welcome to #ProdChat, the weekly #productivity chat! Tonight @DanielHayes the co-host of SimpleLifeTogether. Welcome Daniel!
  12. It’s great to be here and in the #prodchat hotseat! Thx for the invite
  13. Checking it out now… MT @apinaud: Simple Life Together … leading a simple life in the modern world at #ProdChat
  14. Q1- What is your favorite productivity tools? Hardware and Software? Why? #ProdChat
  15. Q1- What is your favorite productivity tools? Hardware and Software? Why? #ProdChat
  16. @DanielHayes: @apinaud Hi! I switched from stubby pencils to Evernote! #prodchat

    I stop using stubby pencils years ago also

  17. Hi, Daniel! Thanks for joining us tonight!! Looking forward to it! RT @DanielHayes: @michgunn Hi Michelle #ProdChat
  18. @apinaud A1- Hardware: I’m a Mac guy. I love great design. #ProdChat
  19. I am glad you are here

    @DanielHayes: It’s great to be here and in the #prodchat hotseat! Thx for the invite”

  20. ditto for me! 🙂 RT @DanielHayes: @apinaud A1- Hardware: I’m a Mac guy. I love great design. #ProdChat
  21. A1a- Software: By far, Evernote. Best tool I’ve found for ubiquitous capture #ProdChat
  22. A1b- I truly keep everything in there. Except photos… #ProdChat
  23. A1c- I use Google+ for automatic photo backup for iPhone, storage for DSLR photos #ProdChat
  24. Excited to join the #prodchat convo tonight. Ohio State student wanting to gain insight on the “real world” and learn new information!
  25. @DanielHayes: @apinaud A1- Hardware: I’m a Mac guy. I love great design. #ProdChat

    Seems like it is the Mac People night!

  26. A1 My favorite productivity tools are OmniFocus, Dropbox, Mail, Evernote, FastTrack Schedule, etc… #ProdChat
  27. A1 My favorite productivity tools are OmniFocus, Dropbox, Mail, Evernote, FastTrack Schedule, etc… #ProdChat
  28. Hi, Nicole! 🙂 MT @nicolesteiner_: Excited to join the #prodchat convo tonight. …
  29. A1 OmniFocus, iPad, DropBox & Editorial will lead my list #ProdChat
  30. @DanielHayes I’ve been really wavering on long term cloud storage for photos. You really like Google’s solutions? For sharing too? #ProdChat
  31. @DanielHayes: @michgunn Love Dropbox, too! #ProdChat

    DropBox should give us space everytime we mention them here

  32. Oh… Editorial? Going on my check it out list!!! RT @apinaud: A1 OmniFocus, iPad, DropBox & Editorial will lead my list #ProdChat
  33. Joining in on the #Prodchat convo tonight because @DanielHayes is my favorite podcaster. You and Vanessa have amazing insights!
  34. Cool. I’ll have to check it out again. RT @DanielHayes: @michgunn It’s just so easy with auto backup. For DSLR it’s a bit tougher. #ProdChat
  35. A1 #prodchat Tools I have found most useful are PhotoSuite7, Excel, iMovie, Dropbox, & Reminders!
  36. Yes, Excel!! RT @nicolesteiner_: A1 Tools I have found most useful are PhotoSuite7, Excel, iMovie, Dropbox, & Reminders! #ProdChat
  37. @michgunn it’s really good text editor. Best versions with DropBox. #ProdChat
  38. I’ve been loving Scrivener lately… RT @apinaud: @michgunn it’s really good text editor. Best versions with DropBox. #ProdChat
  39. The older I get, the more I rely on any kind of Reminders!!! #ProdChat
  40. Right… #iPadOnly ! 😉 RT @apinaud: @michgunn I love @scrivener but there is “yet” no iPad version #ProdChat
  41. I start younger to rely on them… Hopeless then “@DanielHayes: The older I get, the more I rely on any kind of Reminders!!! #ProdChat
  42. Q2- You mention on the SimpleLifeTogether Show that you’re a Google Docs fan. Why Google Docs? #ProdChat
  43. Q2- You mention on the SimpleLifeTogether Show that you’re a Google Docs fan. Why Google Docs? #ProdChat
  44. A2- I love the collaborative functions, sharing is easy, not a full fledged suit, plenty for me though! #ProdChat
  45. A2a- LOVE Google Forms! Great for surveys, RSVPs. Most underused, but best, function IMHO #ProdChat
  46. A2 Dying to hear this! The only thing I like about GoogleDocs is the live multi-user functionality in a word or excel doc. #ProdChat
  47. @apinaud Wow!! I hope you’re using a paired keyboard. 😉 #ProdChat
  48. I just don’t need a full fledged office suite. I actually enjoy the trimmed down version. Some quirks? Yeah…I guess there are . #ProdChat
  49. Google Forms. Added to my list! 🙂 MT @DanielHayes: A2a- LOVE Google Forms! Most underused, but best, function IMHO #ProdChat
  50. @michgunn nope. I practice my typing with @TapTyping and thanks to them I am quite fast #ProdChat
  51. Ha! Exactly! 😉 RT @DanielHayes: @apinaud @michgunn Wow! I’d still be typing my “hello” #ProdChat
  52. Cool link I found sharing different must have apps for productivity! Cannot wait to check out #yast! #prodchat
  53. Nice! MT @Killingchaos: I love to use the full page options in order to write & be creative without distractions. #ProdChat
  54. @michgunn #prodchat It’s nice to have the ability to pull up my writing from anywhere with wifi, such as my lunch break at work 😉
  55. Palm Pilots? What’s that? (kidding of course…) MT @apinaud: @michgunn @DanielHayes you guys remember PalmPilots… #ProdChat
  56. PalmPilots!!! Haven’t heard that term in a while! #ProdChat
  57. @DanielHayes at least you have heard. I had explained to someone not too long ago what they were #ProdChat
  58. no. no. that’s crazy. RT @apinaud @DanielHayes at least you have heard. I had explained to someone not too long ago what they were #ProdChat
  59. @apinaud I had to explain to @GetSimplifized what a “reel to reel recorder” was. I a “few” years older than her. 😉
  60. @michgunn @DanielHayes the final comment was: so like an iPhone but useless. I quit explaining #ProdChat
  61. Ha! (I miss my treo) RT @apinaud: @michgunn @DanielHayes the final comment was: so like an iPhone but useless. I quit explaining #ProdChat
  62. Love that! “@DanielHayes: @apinaud I had to explain to @GetSimplifized what a “reel to reel recorder” was. #ProdChat
  63. @nicolesteiner_ @DanielHayes one of the first real powerful electronic organizers… Apparently more than 19 years ago #ProdChat
  64. I actually had my first “digital assistant” made by Casio in 1991. I felt like Flash Gordon! #ProdChat
  65. Ha! Me too. RT @DanielHayes: I actually had my first “digital assistant” made by Casio in 1991. I felt like Flash Gordon! #ProdChat
  66. @apinaud It can’t be… the Palm only died when the first iPhone came out…even though it didn’t have a todo list #ProdChat
  67. @michgunn the palm was dead before. People new them as Treos #ProdChat
  68. It could do basic text, a rudimentary database function…but was awesome at the time! Helped me keep track of my team. #ProdChat
  69. From a productivity standpoint, it’s amazing what we have available today. I think the key is managing less better. Not more… #ProdChat
  70. Ah! RT @apinaud: @michgunn the palm was dead before. People new them as Treos #ProdChat
  71. 😉 RT @DanielHayes: We are all showing our age, except Nicole!!! #ProdChat
  72. Q4- Email is a big problem for most. Do you have any email productivity tips? What’s your biggest struggle with email? #ProdChat
  73. A4- I’m a Gmail fan and love its filter functions. I’m sure I have nearly 100 filters in place. #ProdChat
  74. @DanielHayes Agreed. In some ways it’s worse to have so many options. More choice can be overwhelming, not helpful. #prodchat
  75. Q3- When are you most productive? How you discover that? Had that change overtime? #ProdChat
  76. Q3- When are you most productive? How you discover that? Had that change overtime? #ProdChat
  77. A4a- Filters let me autoarchive to designated folders, auto delete, auto everything! #ProdChat
  78. A4b- I also love the Canned Responses function in Gmail!! #ProdChat
  79. A3 I’m most productive earlier in the day. I discovered that when I tried going to work earlier instead of staying late always! #ProdChat
  80. A4c- I’m a huge TextExpander fan and canned responses are like built in text expanders for Gmail #ProdChat
  81. A3 Took me a really long time to grasp that I got more done in a shorter amount of time in the morning than after a full workday! #ProdChat
  82. A4d- Biggest Struggle? Lots of email. I sign up for lots of email lists. I edit every so often to keep my sanity #ProdChat
  83. A4e- That said, I don’t stress myself over “inbox zero”…my priority is effective communication #ProdChat
  84. A4e- That said, I don’t stress myself over “inbox zero”…my priority is effective communication #ProdChat
  85. @michgunn same here. The reason I keep working at 4:00am #ProdChat and wrote a book about it #ProdChat
  86. Q3 The closer to the deadline the more productive that I am! I really need to work on procrastination and focusing! #ProdChat
  87. A4 I stopped checking email incessantly during the day. 3x/day now. I use also @SaneBox to filter out all the non-important #ProdChat
  88. Okay…onto Q3:
    A3- Definitely my morning. My morning routine is petty sacred. #ProdChat
  89. A3a- I break the “typical” productivity rules: I check email, sometimes FB. But I don’t act on them right away or get distracted. #ProdChat
  90. Wow! Auto delete! :O RT @DanielHayes: A4a- Filters let me autoarchive to designated folders, auto delete, auto everything! #ProdChat
  91. Yeah, not that early. 😉 RT @apinaud: @michgunn same here. The reason I keep working at 4:00am #ProdChat and wrote a book about it #ProdChat
  92. How do you all feel about the new gmail inboxes? I’m still testing this out but I think I prefer it to all go into one box. #ProdChat
  93. Seems like @michgunn and I need to make note to this auto delete thing @DanielHayes #ProdChat
  94. @Killingchaos I use only 2 inboxes. I have a great routine there, so I opt out of the new Tabbed version #ProdChat
  95. A3c- My military career “trained” me for early mornings! Now I almost never use an alarm clock #ProdChat
  96. Q5- On your show you deal with leading a simple life. Can you give some examples? What had change since the show start to now? #ProdChat
  97. @DanielHayes Auto delete scares me. But HOW liberating that must be!!! #ProdChat
  98. Seriously! 🙂 RT @apinaud: Seems like @michgunn and I need to make note to this auto delete thing @DanielHayes #ProdChat
  99. @nicolesteiner_ That’s called Parkinson’s Law. A good corollary is “If I wait until the last minute, it only takes a MINUTE!” #ProdChat
  100. @apinaud @michgunn @DanielHayes Auto delete in filters is great! Saves me from having to unsubscribe from everything. #prodchat
  101. @Killingchaos @apinaud @michgunn Yes, and it’s great to auto archive backups, email subscriptions, etc. #ProdChat
  102. @michgunn Well, Michelle, your option is simple to use the filter to archive. No loss then! #ProdChat
  103. @DanielHayes Nope. I’m sold on auto-delete. I’m going to give it a whirl. I don’t need to archive junk. 😉 #ProdChat
  104. +1 “@michgunn: @DanielHayes Nope. I’m sold on auto-delete. I’m going to give it a whirl. I don’t need to archive junk. 😉 #ProdChat
  105. @DanielHayes @apinaud @michgunn I also use it to auto archive store coupons so I can access them later & they don’t clog my inbox #prodchat
  106. @DanielHayes Looking forward to your answer to Q5!! Did you see it? It flew by in the middle of our discussion there… #ProdChat
  107. Cool idea “@Killingchaos: @DanielHayes @apinaud @michgunn I also use it to auto archive store coupons so I can access them later #prodchat
  108. Nice! RT @Killingchaos: I also use it to auto archive store coupons so I can access them later & they don’t clog my inbox #prodchat
  109. Q6- What is one final key for you to staying focused and productive while leading a simple life? #ProdChat
  110. Q6- What is one final key for you to staying focused and productive while leading a simple life? #ProdChat
  111. A5- Looking to bridge the gap between consumerism and minimalism. We not minimalists, we’re somewhere in between. #ProdChat
  112. A5a- One example is our Edit & Forget It Challenge to eliminate 2013 things from our life in 2013 #ProdChat
  113. A5b- We’re already over 3000! It feels great! My wife @GetSimplifized is a Professional Organizer so we’re pretty org’d! #ProdChat
  114. A6- A huge one for me is decrease commitments. Learning to say NO to things, expectations, even friends sometimes #ProdChat
  115. @DanielHayes Wow. Can I find that on your website? 2013 things? Wow! I can’t quite imagine that. #ProdChat
  116. Yes! MT @DanielHayes: A6 huge 1 for me is decrease commitments. Learning to say NO to things, expectations, even friends sometimes #ProdChat
  117. Q4- Email is a big problem for most. Do you have any email productivity tips? What’s your biggest struggle with email? #ProdChat
  118. @michgunn Yep! We have well over 250 others going thru it w/us. We’ll be continuing into 2014! #ProdChat
  119. A6a- Must be done gently and gradually. Learn to guard your time, schedule your time #ProdChat
  120. WOW! RT @DanielHayes: @michgunn Yep! We have well over 250 others going thru it w/us. We’ll be continuing into 2014! #ProdChat
  121. @michgunn @DanielHayes you’d be amazed at how easy it is to find things to get rid of. Idk how we accumulate all this stuff. #prodchat
  122. A6 I try to make sure all my commitments are attuned to my Horizons of Focus (#GTD). That filter helps me simplify my life. #ProdChat
  123. @michgunn It helps so much to have lenses or filters to help you reach your goals, does’t it? #ProdChat
  124. @DanielHayes no. I think you somehow manage to answer all of them #ProdChat
  125. @DanielHayes Thanks so much for joining us tonight. I’m excited to check out your website! @apinaud Thanks for hosting!! #ProdChat
  126. This is the end of the fastest hour in Twitter. Thanks @DanielHayes for participating in #ProdChat today Please join me to thank Daniel
  127. @apinaud Funny, the Q4 just in in through my TweetDeck feed! #ProdChat
  128. @apinaud Thanks for having me! I had a great time! #ProdChat Thank you all!
  129. Don’t forget to follow @DanielHayes and check SimpleLifeTogether a podcast about leading a simple life in the modern world #ProdChat
  130. @DanielHayes Yes! A necessity I’ve learned… the hard way. 😉 #ProdChat
  131. @DanielHayes Thanks so much for doing this and I can’t wait for your next episode 🙂 #prodchat
  132. Absolutely “@DanielHayes: @Killingchaos New one out tomorrow morning!! Want a spoiler? #ProdChat
  133. This is the end of the fastest hour in Twitter. Thanks @DanielHayes for participating in #ProdChat today

    Please join me to thank Daniel

  134. An exercise that @GetSimplifized & I did: URHouse is on fire! U can pick 5 things! Go! + the Whys and lots more! We had a blast! #ProdChat
  135. @DanielHayes I’m late for #ProdChat but I use Other Inbox from Organizer to filter emails in Yahoo Mail. Works great! I get a digest daily.
  136. @DanielHayes Nice! I’ve thought of this myself & my answer is pretty easy: grab my dog, if time: iphone & purse. #priorities #prodchat
  137. @michgunn @sanebox @apinaud @DanielHayes I switched off push and email notifications (and number of emails) from my iPhone. #Prodchat
  138. NICE! RT @littlewarrior: I switched off push and email notifications (and number of emails) from my iPhone. #Prodchat
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